
[토스] S6.Opinion

loveson 2010. 12. 23. 11:39





  (1) 준비시간

       - 단어단위로 idea 떠올리기. 문장으로 할필요없다.

       - "아이디어"가 많아야 한다 (최소 2개) --> 할말이 많다. So, 찬반선택.

       - 자신이 있으면 모두가 Yes할때, No라고 해보자. 어차피 채점은 사람이 한다.

  (2) 답변시간

       서론 - [선호] I prefer to ~ / [동의] I (dis)agree that ~ / [선택] I think that ~

                 I have several reasons(필히 복수형) to support my opinion.

       본론 - Most of all (사유가 하나일때) / First of all,

                For example, when I ~

                Secondly,  아니면  in addition?

               이유를 두개는 해야할까?

       결론 - For these reason,

                That is why I ~



  (1) 연결어















in addition, moreover

Furthermore, S + V

after that, next, then

as a result, finally

Thanks to






Do you prefer buying things at a store or on the internet?

I prefer to buy things at a store.

I have several reasons to support my opinion.

Most of all, I can 직접 품질을 확인하다 before buying.

For example, last week, I bought T-shirt through the internet.

When I look at the T-shirts on the internet, it was nice color and good quality.

But actually it was different color and bad conditon.  

Secondly, It's easy to get some information.

At a store, there are many salesclerk.

They are always willing to give me informations of the product.

So I can make a good choice.

For these reasons, I prefer to buy things at a store.

* check the quality of item


Do you prefer to buy things at a big supermarket or at a small local store?

I prefer to buy things at a big supermarket.

I have several reasons to support my opinion.

First of all, there many products to chose from.

For example, last weekend, I really wanted to eat "          "

I went to a small strore near my house. But I couldn't find it.

So I went a Big supermarket.

And I was able to buy it.

Secondly, I can save the money.

Big supermarket always hold a discount event.

Sometimes I can buy fruits by cheaper price.

That is why I prefer the option.

                        ~ to buy things at a big store.



Do you prefer to spend your free time with other people or on your own?

I prefer to spend my free time on my own.

I have several reasons to support my opinion.

Most of all, I can relax.

For example, last week, I had a lot of work to do. So I had to work lately every single day.

To make matters worse, I 어울리다? hang out??/ attended to dinner meeting with my collegue lately on Friday night.

So, I exhausted?? at the end of the week.

So, I decided to rest over the weekend.

I slept as long as I want, read books, listen to music.

Finally, I was able to fully recharge.

By Monday morning, I was in my best condition.

That is why I prefer the option.

두번째 이유를 추가하고 첫번째 근거를 줄일까?



It is necessay to learn physical education in high school. Agree or Disagree?

I agree that it is necessay to learn phycical education in high school

I have several reasons to support my opinion.

Most of all, they can learn about teamwork.

When I was in high school, we had a PE class every week.

We did many activities & sports in that class.

Especailly, Basketball was the most popular one.

Everyone got exited about playing Basketball.

I teamed up with some friends and played a game.

When our team won, everyone was so happy.

It made us feel closer as a team.

And we had learned about cooperation.

That is why I agree with this opinion.



TV can be an educational tool for children. Agree or Disagree?

I agree that TV can be an educational tool for children.

I have several reasons to support my opinion.

Most of all, it is useful to learn language.

For example, my son watched TV everyday.

His favorite TV program is 로보카폴리 english version.

While watching TV,

He listened to many English word.

And he followed the English song.

So, he learned English naturally.

Secondly, It is helpful to indirect experience.

we can see animals without going to the zoo. 

That is why I agree with this opinion.



일단 여기까지



Which of the following do you think is good leader?

good listener, good speaker, good decision maker.


I think that a good listener is a good leader.

I have several reasons to support my opinion.

Most of all, they can listen to great ideas.

For example, my Boss is good at listening and he respected everyone's idea.

So, people liked to talk.

When we have a meeting, we exchange our thought without hesitating.

As a result, we can make a dicision easily and reach the goal rapidly.

Thanks to him, our team is quite successful.

That is why I think that a good listener is a good leader.


* brainstorming,   팀원 각자 variable experience, acknowledge.



Which do you think is the most effective way to get help when you have a problem operating machines and devices? 

Reading the manual, Searching the Internet, Getting help from technichian.


I think that searching the internet is the most effective way.

I have several reasons to support my opinion.

Most of all, it is easy to find information.

For example, last weekend, I had a problem with my laptop computer.

So, I tried to look for some help on the internet.

I found many tips related to the matter.

I followed the directions on the internet.

Finally, I installed the program successfully.

It was very easy and simple.

That is why I think that searching the internet is the most effective way.



Would you prefer to hire an experienced worker for a higher salary or an inexperienced worker for lowersalary?


I prefer to hire an experienced worker for higher salary.

I have several reasons to support my opinion.

Most of all, I can save the time.

For example, last year, 팀 여직원이 출산때문에 휴직을 신청했다/ 결혼땜에 사직했다. 갑작스레

She was in charge of 수출입통관, and the work was very difficult and important.

She was good at that work.

My boss had to find another person.

Fortunately, he hired a new employee who had a lot of experience about 통관

He was able to work right away.

It was very helpful for everyone.

That is why I prefer the option.


Do you prefer working in a big company or in a small company?


Do you prefer to work in a big corporation with many employees or in a small company with less employees?


I prefer to work in a big corporation with many employees.

I have ~

Most of all, they have 체계적인 업무 system.   efficient working system.

I have been working in Dongkuk Steel for 8 years.

It has about 500 employees in the office.

체계적으로 팀 구성되어있고,

업무가 분업화되어있다.

These system 가능하게한다. 직원능률 최대화를




(I learned lots of skill for my work.

It was very helpful.

As a result, I'm improved a lot.)

That is why I prefer the option.



People nowadays tend to work less than people in the past. Agree of Disagree?


I agree that

I have ~

Most of all, people want to enjoy their lives.

For example, last year, I was looking for a new job.

At that time, I was choosing between two companies.

One company offered me a high salary.

However I didn't choose to work there.

Because people did overtime work very often.

Even they somtimes worked on the weekend.

I didn't want to forgive my life for work. I wanted to enjoy my life and relax.

So I decided to choose the other company.

I work hard at this company, and also enjoy my life

That is why I gree with this opinion.



Do you agree that teenagers should be allowed to have part-time job?


I disagree that teenagers should be allowed to have part-time job.

I have ~

Most of all, they have to focus on their studies.

For example, When I was in high school, I wanted to buy cell-phone.

But my patents didn't allow me to buy it, and didn't give me the money.

So I decided to get a part-time job.

I worked at the coffee shop for three hours after school everyday.

I was very tired and I couldn't study.

As a result, I got a low grade on my tests.

I regret my disicion.

That is why I disagree the opinion.



What is the most important quality of successful store?

Service,  Location, Quality.


I think that Servie is the most important quality of sucessful store.

I have ~

Most of all, It makes customers return to the store.

For example, last weekend, I went out for dinner with my family.

We visited italian restaurant near the house.

발렛파킹 해주었다.

직원들이 항상 웃으면서 자세하고 친절히 안내해주었다.

요구에 즉시 대응했다.  they served meal very quickly.

아들에게 친절히 대해주었다. take good care of my son.

When we leaved there, 사장님이 gave candies to my son. he was very happy.

덩달아 나도 기분좋았다.  I was so happy with their service.

또다시 여기오자고 promise to come here again

That is why I think that Service ~


Some people think it is necessary to wear formal clothing at work. Agree of Disagree?


I agree that it is necessay to wear formal clothing at work.

I have

Most of all, people can feel 소속감, 공동체의식.  (X)  * uniform 이 아니다.

Most of all,  적절한 긴장감을 가지는데 좋다       It is good to have proper tension. 


Secondly, it is helpful to make a good impression.

If you have a meeting with client and customer, you can look professional.

People tend to trust and rely on you.

So you can make a good deal


For these reason, I agree that it is necessay to wear formal clothing at work.



The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns. Agree or Disagree?


I disagree that the most ~

I have several reasons to support my opinion.

Most of all, people have to be interested in their work.

If they don't have interested in it, they must be feeling 지루함 easilly and got stress.

Secondly, people need to feel that their work is meaningful. To be more specific, if someone feel that what they do is important and good for society, they will be more fulfilled in their job and life.

For these reason, I think the money is not the most important aspect of a job.



What do you think is the most important thing when choosing a job?

Salary, Location, Benefits, Career future...



Would you prefer to make plans before going on a trip or to go on a trip without any plans?



Which do you prefer; studying at home or studying at the library?

I can focus on my studies


Do you agree that eating too much fast food can make people unhealty?

It's too salty

It's not fresh

high 칼로리


Which of the following is the most important factor in an employee's success?

Experience,  Cooperatin,  Effort

those with experience can work faster.


Which of the following kind of transportation has the greatest influence on people's lives?

Automobiles,  Trains,  Airplanes

It is easy to visit foreign country