Part 2
<장소> | This is a picture taken ~ | |
실내에 | indoors. *복수 必, 전치사 X | |
실외에 | outdoors. *복수 必, 전치사 X | |
식당 | at a restautant. | |
가게/ 식료품점 | at a store/ grocery store | |
제과점 | at a bakery | |
꽃가게 | at a flower shop | |
벼룩시장, 중고시장 | at a flea market (=중고,고물시장) | |
길거리시장 | at a street market | |
미용실 | at a hair salon | |
옷가게 | at a clothing store *남자옷 파는 가게? | |
소방서 | at a fire station * 소방차 fire engine | |
도서관 | in the library | |
공항 | at the airport | |
실내 주차장 | in the parking garage | |
실외 주차장 | at a parking lot | |
공원 | in the park | |
거리 | in the street | |
광장 | at a square | |
버스종점,주차장 | at a bus station? terminal? | |
버스 정류장 | at a bus stop | |
실내수영장 | at an indoor swimming pool | |
헬스클럽 | at a fitness center | |
놀이터,운동장 | in the playground | |
스키장 | at a ski resort | |
해변 | at the beach 바닷가의 해안 | |
모래지역 | sandy area | |
물가 | at the waterfront * 바다, 강 등에 면한 땅,도시 | |
강변 | on the riverside | |
전시회 | at an exhibition | |
공사장 | at a construction site | |
가든파티 | at a garden party | |
회의실 | in the meeting room | |
사무실 | in the office | |
회의장, 강연장 | convention hall (호텔의 회의장) | |
복도,현관,통로 | hallway | |
쉼터 | at a hotel lounge | |
로비 | at a hotel lobby : 복도연결된 현관앞 공간 | |
잔디밭 | grassy area | |
<주어> | ||
00명의 사람들 | There are two(/three/four) people in this pic. | |
두사람 모두가 | Both of them are ~ | |
몇명의/ 많은 사람들 | There are several/many people in this picture. | |
한무리의 사람들이 | A group of people are doing something. | |
그들중에 일부가 | Some of them are ~ | |
대부분의 사람들이 | Most of the people are ~ | |
그들 모두가 | All of them are looking at the stage. | |
탑승객들 | passangers | |
행인들 | Pedestrians are passing by the policeman. | |
손님들 | customers | |
참석자들 | attendees | |
접수계원, 안내원 | receptionist | |
승무원들 | flignt attendants | |
음악가들 | musicians | |
연주자들 | players | |
청중들 | the audience are looking at a stage. | |
관중들 | spectators | |
| 노동자들 | workers |
도우미들 | helpers | |
점원들 | clerks | |
관계직원들 | staff | |
식당직원 | waiter | |
<위치> | ||
중앙에, 가운데에 | In the middle of the picture, there are ~ | |
왼쪽에 | On the left side of the picture | |
오른쪽에 | On the right side of the picture, | |
좌상단에 | On the upper left side of the picture, | |
우하단에 | On the lower right side of the picture, | |
맨앞쪽에, 전경에 | In the foreground of the picture, ~ | |
뒤편에, 배경에 | In the background of the picture, ~ | |
꼭대기에 | On the top of the roof | |
앞에 | in front of the building | |
뒤에 | The person behind them is doing ~ | |
상공(허공)에 | above | |
위(표면)에 | on the table | |
아래(표면)에 | below | |
아래에 | They are having a picnic under the tree. | |
건너편에 | The opposite side of the road, the man is ~ | |
사이에 | There are nice cars between the buildings. | |
주위로 둘러서 | Some people are sitting around the table. | |
안에 | in side of | |
밖에 | out side of | |
옆에 | Next to him, | |
을 따라서 | A man is running along the street. | |
길가 양쪽에 | on both side of the street | |
지나쳐서 | A man is walking past the store. | |
< 사람 외형 > | ||
짧은 검정색 곱슬머리 | short black curly hair *hair는 관사 사용X | |
긴 금색 생머리 | She has long blond straight hair. | |
말총머리 | She has a ponytail. | |
콧수염 | He has a mustache. | |
턱수염 | He has a beard [bi얼d] *beard : the collection of hair that grows on the chin, upper lip, cheeks and neck | |
구렛나루 | He has sideburns | |
청바지 | She is wearing a pair of jeans. | |
치마 | She is wearing a skirt. | |
원피스 | She is wearing a dress. | |
긴소매 | He is wearing a long-sleeve shirt. | |
반소매 | short-sleeve shirt | |
민소매 | sleeveles shirt | |
넥타이 | He is wearing a suit with a tie. | |
안경 | He is wearing glasses. | |
선글라스 | with sunglasses | |
< 사람 동작 > | ||
(손을) 뻗다 | reach out | |
만지다 | touch | |
꺼내다 | She is taking a wallet out of her bag. | |
집어들다 | He is picking up the bag with his left hand. | |
들어올리다 | lifting up | |
들고있다(붙잡아 멈춘체로) | He is holding a cup/a handrail. | |
메고있다, 나르다 | The man is carrying a bag on his shoulder. | |
주다 | He is giving sth to sbd. | |
건네주다 | He is handing over the ticket to the staff. | |
나눠주다,배포하다 | The man is distributing brochures to people. | |
받다 | receive | |
내려놓다 | He is putting down the box on the ground. | |
쓰다, 적다, 메모하다 | writing down something | |
손짓하다 | gesturing | |
가리키다 | He is pointing at the building. | |
걸어가다 | Some people are walking along the street. | |
산책하다 | Some people are taking a walk beside river. |
한가로이 어슬렁걷다
The man is strolling along the path.
~으로 향해 가는중이다
Pedestrians are heading toward the archway.
The bus is passing by a bus-station.
걸어서 지나치다
walking past the police officer
go through the tunnel
He is crossing the river.
걸어서 건너가다
Pedestrians are walking across the street.
발끝으로 살금살금가다
They are walking on tiptoe in the hallway.
걸어 올라가다
walking up the stairs
walking down
go on the stage
stay on a platform
go down the stairs
안으로 들어오다
come into[enter] the building
밖으로 나가다,떠나다
go out of[leave] the room
걸어가다가 멈춰서다
stop at
People are standing in front of the building.
찔러넣다(손을 주머니에)
digging (his hands into pocket)
He is looking at the map.
He is looking around the store.
look into
먼곳을 보다
look into the distance
경치를 즐기다
enjoy the view
He is checking, examining the item.
얼굴을 마주보다
Two guys are facing each other
reading a book
The man is baccuming the floor.
바닥먼지를 쓸고있다
The man is sweeping the floor with a broom.
먼지를 제거하다
The salesclerk is dusting the shelves.
The man is mopping the floor.
테이블을 닦다
The woman is wiping the table.
He is getting on the bus. (막 타려고 하는중)
He is getting off the train.
탑승(해서 이동)중이다
The man is ridding on the bicycle/ horse.
shoulder riding
He is pushing a cart, baby stroller,
He is pulling down the curtain.
trying to do sth
사진을 찍다
taking a photo
sitting at a table.
쉬고 있다
He is resting on a bench under the tree.
의자에 등을 기대다
He is leaning (his) back in the seat.
다리를 꼬고 앉다
She is sitting with her leg-crossed on the chair.
턱을 괴다
She is resting her chin on her hand.
허리에 손을 얹다
resting one's hand on one's waist.
He is clasping his fingers.
팔짱을 끼고있다
He is folding his arms.
옆사람과 팔짱끼다
piling up
쌓고있다(정렬해서 가지런히)
throwing away
무릎을 꿇고 있다
kneeling down
발표, 연설하다
He is giving a presentation.
making an order
taking an order
음식을 나르다
She is serving the food.
making a copies
having a meeting
<사물 형상>
v | 타원형의 <사물 명칭> 기둥 | oval round triangle square diamond shape rectangle pentagram hexagram
food ordering counter cash counter uniform baby stroller pilar[필러] |
<사물 상태>
v v
v v
v | 심어져 있는 *(서류등을) 정리하다 | Lots of trees are planted along the street. Some papers are placed on the table. Some apples are piled up on the ground. Many books are stacked up on the table. Many items are displayed on the shelves. Some products are arranged on the shelves. *organizing be packed with Most of tables are occupied. be sorted be set be located near sth be left be tied Many cars are parked at a parking lot. be scattered The street are crowded with the people. be full of be filled with He was surrounded by many people. |
Part 3
(1) 주제별 정리해서 암기 : brain stormming에 효과적
(2) 즉답(순발력) 연습 : 1초안에 연상해야 암기완성임.
| <쇼핑,구매> |
옷, 의상, 의류 | clothes [클로우즈] * clothe 입다 | |
옷이 날개다 | Clothes make the man. | |
구매하다 | buy, purchase | |
쇼핑하러 가다 | go shopping | |
평일에 | I always work lately during the week. | |
취향이 같다 | have same taste of (movie, food, ....) | |
감각이 좋다 | have a good sense of (fashion...) | |
흥정하다 | haggle over the price | |
직접 | in person (befoer buying) | |
품질을 검사하다 | check the quality | |
<식사> | ||
외식하다/ 저녁 외식하다 | eat out/ dine out | |
예약하다 | make a reservation | |
좋아하는 음식 | favorite food | |
주문하다 | make an order, place an order | |
유명한 식당 / 장소 | famous restaurant / Well-Known place | |
<기타> | ||
에 대해 말하자면, | As far as _ is concerned, Speaking as~ | |
어떤 사람들이 말하기, : 간접인용 | Some people say that | |
(확실한 근거) 에 따르면, | According to their reaserch findings, | |
예를들자면 | For example, | |
똑같은 방식으로, | In the same way, | |
유사하게 | Similary ** | |
반면에 | On the other hand, | |
이와 반대로 | By contrast, | |
와 대조적으로, | in contrast with | |
그럼에도 불구하고, | even though, nevertheless | |
덧붙여서, | In addition, | |
더나아가, | Furthermore, | |
또한, | moreover, also | |
그러므로 | therefore | |
간략히 말해서 | In short, | |
마지막으로 중요한건, | Last but not least, | |
결론적으로, | In conclusion, | |
흥분되는 | exiting | |
가치있는 | worthwhile valuable?? | |
유망한 | promising | |
생산적인 | productive | |
유용한, 유익한 | useful | |
환상적인 | fantastic | |
웅장한 | enormous | |
긍정적인 | positive | |
부정적인 | negative | |
비관적인 | ?? | |
실망스런 | disappoiting | |
복잡한 | complecated * complex 복합적인 |
지루한 애태우는 성가신 불쾌한 단조로운 편안한 담당하다 본부, 본사 그만두다 승인/허가/허락하다 직무,과업 수입,소득 직원(피고용자,노동자,관계자) 부서 급여 격려,성과급 동료 영업일 이동, 재배치 구직자 회사 해고하다 공장 직업 후보자 지원자 지연되다, 지체하다 연기하다 했을꺼야(약한추측) 했음에 틀림없어(강한추측) 했어야했는데(못했어):가정법 나를 방해하다 대신에 입어보다 직접 예민한 알려지지않은 | borring ?? annoying unpleasant si.. comportable be in charge of , manage headquater, mainoffice quit the job, leave sth approval / permission / allow project, task income, revenue, earning employee, worker, staff department, division payment , salary incentive collegue, coworker businessday, working day transfering, relocating, rearrangement job seeker company, firm, corporation fire, lay off, dissmiss factory, plant job career, candidate / applicant delay postpone (push sth back to) They might have ~ They must have ~ should have PP * You __ listen__ when I told you. disturbs me. instead of **Sometimes she paid the bill __ me. try on in person sensitive fameless |
'일상' 카테고리의 다른 글
한자_고사성어 (0) | 2011.01.01 |
[토스] S1.Reading (0) | 2010.12.30 |
졍이 예복 구입 (0) | 2010.12.30 |
여행준비물 구입 (0) | 2010.12.30 |
[토스] S2.Describing (0) | 2010.12.29 |